You might got attracted by the covers, the nice packages, and the nice shops (or whatever name they call it), ultimately it's just a notebook with a rubber band. Forget whom ever had used it before, YOU are using it right now, and Moleskine these days got so common and so fancy it had became a standard, so no, holding a Moleskine into a meeting won't make you look smart.
What would make you look stupid though, is when you put a fountain pen to your Moleskine. Everytime your pen writes anything larger than a hair thin line on the page you can be sure that you can see your writing on the back of that page. And if you got a particular juicy fountain pen, you'd get nice little dots on the page under it. If that ever happens, it means that you could actually only write on one side of the page, effectively cutting the economic value of your already over priced notebook.
So if you use fountain pen, get a Rhodia.
And if you are looking for samples or image of how bad Moleskine pages handles fountain pen, just hit google image, and if you need so much convincing, tell yourself that you fell victim of very clever marketing effort by Moleskine.